- Two paramedics arrive in the festivities and make observation of their wounded to heal. In a funny and poetic atmosphere, those caracteristic paramedics, with doubtful professionalism, have to deal with different injured puppet patients (all made with medical stuff). The audience is witness of all the operations and attempts they made, between mysterious devices, invented medical machines and incredible problems. While the X-rays of soul reveal a hidden past, ghost members come back to life, love transfusions are allowed and the voice you hear in your head may be someone manipulating you.
Chief doctor
Vicky Côté
Paramedics on duty
Vicky Côté & Bruno Paradis
Manager of the beneficiaries
Chantale Boulianne
Sara Moisan
Marie-Claude Brassard
Auxiliary nurse
Valérie Essiambre
Patrick Simard
Alexis G Larouche
On the road…
La FouArt, La Baie (2018)
Festival Marionnettes plein la rue, Montréal (2018)
Festival Théâtre de la rue Lachine, Montréal (2018)
Festival des artisans, Ste-Rose-du-Nord (2018)
Île du repos, Péribonka (2018)
À l’eau Péribonka (2018)
Festivalma, Alma (2018)
La Noce, Chicoutimi (2018)